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Occupation Title :  Writers and Authors

Occupation Code :  27-3043


Job Description : 

Originate and prepare written material, such as scripts, stories, advertisements, and other material.


Method of Entry:

A college degree is generally required for a salaried position as a writer or author. Proficiency with computers and communications equipment is necessary for staying in touch with sources, editors, and other writers while working on assignments.


Salary for Entry Level Jobs:




Growth Rate 2013-2015:



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Occupation Title :  Computer Systems Analysts
Occupation Code :  15-1121 | STEM Career


Job Description : 

Analyze science, engineering, business, and other data processing problems to implement and improve computer systems. Analyze user requirements, procedures, and problems to automate or improve existing systems and review computer system capabilities, workflow, and scheduling limitations. May analyze or recommend commercially available software.


Method of Entry:

A bachelor’s degree in a computer or information science field is common, although not always a requirement. Some firms hire analysts with business or liberal arts degrees who know how to write computer programs.


Salary for Entry Level Jobs:




Growth Rate 2013-2015:




Occupation Title :  Microbiologists

Occupation Code :  19-1022 | STEM Career


Job Description : 

Investigate the growth, structure, development, and other characteristics of microscopic organisms, such as bacteria, algae, or fungi. Includes medical microbiologists who study the relationship between organisms and disease or the effects of antibiotics on microorganisms.


Method of Entry :

A bachelor’s degree in microbiology or a closely related field is needed for entry-level microbiologist jobs. A Ph.D. is needed to carry out independent research and to work in colleges and universities.  


Salary for Entry Level Jobs :




Growth Rate 2013-2015:



Occupation Title :  Web Developers

Occupation Code :  15-1134


Job Description 

Design, create, and modify Web sites. Analyze user needs to implement Web site content, graphics, performance, and capacity. May integrate Web sites with other computer applications. May convert written, graphic, audio, and video components to compatible Web formats by using software designed to facilitate the creation of Web and multimedia content.


Method of Entry :

Typical education needed for entry: Bachelor's degree and/or Work Experience in a related occupation of 1 to 5 years.


Salary for Entry Level Jobs :




Growth Rate 2013-2015:




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